Monthly Archives: October 2016

Banging your head against a brick wall – again and again and again

In 2010  the Culture, Media and Sport Committee held and enquiry into the Funding of the arts and heritage. I submitted two reports to the enquiry, from Jazz Services and the Association of British Jazz Musicians. They were published on 22 March 2011. There were 239 written submissions and apart from Jazz Services and the Association of British Jazz Musicians […]

Something I forgot to mention about the Arts Council of Wales

I wrote to the chief executive of Arts Council of Wales (ACW)  on 5 August 2012 to make a formal complaint about the way it dealt with the requests he made for information over the preceding 20 months. ACW’s chief executive responded on 15 August 2012. I was not satisfied with the response, so I wrote to the […]

Does history repeat it self when you are dealing with the BBC?

I was searching  on the web for music organisations for suitable “links” for an appendices in my forthcoming publication Where do you want to be – a business planning manual for jazz music students and musicians and up popped a response I had made to the BBC Trusts Review of Radios 3,4 and 7 in 2010. I thought […]

What goes around remains the same

On  the 20 May 1999 the Culture Media and Sport Select Committee were looking into the Performing Right Society  and the abolition of the classical music subsidy. Jazz Services, the Association of British Jazz Musicians and English Folk Dance and Song Society had made written submissions to the enquiry led by Gerald Kaufman who was the […]

A point of view

On the 1st September 2010 I received an email canvassing for the party leadership from my MP,  Mr Virendra Sharma. It had been sent by one of his employees. I replied to the email with the following questions: “How my e-mail address was obtained , especially in view of the data protection act. What is […]