What goes around remains the same

On  the 20 May 1999 the Culture Media and Sport Select Committee were looking into the Performing Right Society  and the abolition of the classical music subsidy. Jazz Services, the Association of British Jazz Musicians and English Folk Dance and Song Society had made written submissions to the enquiry led by Gerald Kaufman who was the Committee Chair.

The only reason that I am posting this is that little has changed in terms of the arguments for a level playing field for the funding of jazz, folk music and other under-represented musics. Myself, Julian Joseph, pianist and composer, Martin Frost, Chief Executive and Brenda Godrich  Chair, English Folk Dance and Song Society gave evidence and were  examined. There may have been a modest increase in the funding of jazz but there is still no policy for jazz or indeed music per se.

The evidence can be found here: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm199899/cmselect/cmcumeds/468/9052010.htm

Even after 16 years it makes interesting reading leaving you with an overwhelming sense of deja vu.

Attached documents (click to download)

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