Tag Archives: Alan Davey

The Proms – time for a shakeup to reflect the diversity of the UK music scene

There was an  article in The Guardian (24.04.15) on the BBC Proms. Martin Kettle  looks for a critical angle  for the proms each year and every year he fails . Perhaps Martin Kettle, Alan Davey and the BBC live in a different universe to me. The BBC publicity states “While the Proms celebrates its 120th year […]

The Proms 2015 – the UK public deserve better than this

There was an  article on the BBC Proms and Martin Kettle who looks for a critical angle  for the proms each year and every year he fails (http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/apr/23/bbc-proms-2015-its-a-season-with-practically-everything ). Perhaps Martin Kettle, Alan Davey and the BBC live in a different universe to me. The BBC publicity states “While the Proms celebrates its 120th year in […]

Arts Council chief Davey to control Radio 3

It was reported in The Guardian on saturday 27th September 2014 that Alan Davey currently the chief executive of the Arts Council is to take over as Controller of Radio 3. Peter Bazelgette was quoted as saying  that “Alan has been a brilliant chief executive of the Arts Council. The BBC and Radio Three is […]