Continuing Professional Development for Accountants – could be a nice little earner

In 2011 my accountants informed me that his professional body had visited his premises and rattled through my accounts picking up on one or two items. There was talk that the fee charged may have to be increased to pay for the bit of extra work. I pointed out to him that I should not be paying for his continuing professional development. My accountant is a splendid fellow and I did not want to drop him in the mire with his professional body on the other hand  I did not see why I should have to foot the extra charge.  I wrote to his professional body and had a marvelous exchange of correspondence with the Director of Quality Assurance. The replies were marked private and confidential so I have not published them. However my initial letter and replies were not private and confidential so you do not have to be Einstein to work out what is what.

“Is your Chief Executive Officer the Don Quixote of Capitalism – merrily tilting at markets whilst his operatives visit your members with about as much welcome as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the Black Death or swarms of locusts?”………………………………..

To read moreuixote

Please click on “Continuing Professional Development for Accountants – could be a nice little earner” to access the correspondence

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