Category Archives: Complaints

How music streaming saved the music industry?

There was an article in the G2 section of the Guardian on the 25th April 2018 saying music streaming saved the music industry. Streaming may have saved some parts of the music industry but it carries problems for under-represented music such as jazz. The nub of the problem with streaming for the jazz musician is […]

Observations on streaming

A friend of mine sent me a statement of earnings from streaming their music. Set out below is their redacted email and my observations: From: Redacted Date: 17 April 2018 at 09:29 Subject: Streaming To: “Chris Hodgkins Esq.” <> Chris, Woke up this morning to find my latest quarterly commission statement, 1st January to 1st April […]

The National Windrush scandal – the Road to justice.

The Guardian’s coverage  of the past few weeks has exposed the present Government, with its disgraceful actions towards the migrants and their children who arrived in 1947 to help a tired nation drag itself up by its bootstraps. The Government’s policies and actions  demonstrate all the hallmarks and stock in trade of the far-right. The […]

Response to the Industrial Strategy – Creative Industries Sector Deal

Industrial Strategy – Creative Industries Sector Deal Set out below is my response to the recently published (March 2018) Creative Industries Sector Deal that forms part of the Government’s industrial strategy. The document can be downloaded at: 1 Analysis of the Creative Industries Deal The first step in any strategy formulation is to ask and […]

Arts Council England – The Next Ten Years – The Conversation, Discussing a future strategy for arts, museums, libraries 2020 to 2030

Arts Council England has been conducting a “conversation” which is arts speak for consultation. The word that should have been used is debate. The consultation has been running for 12 weeks and concludes on the 12th April 2018. The Arts Council asked a number of questions under the following subject headings: Looking to the future. […]

“Opera is many things to me. Elitist is not one of them” – please debate

In the Guardian on the 21st March 2018 there was an article, “Opera is many things to me. Elitist is not one of them”. Opera is not elitest as music it is the inequality of funding that sets it apart and one could argue that it is conspicuous consuption writ large with two opera houses […]

Equality for female and male composers promotes quality in the arts?

There was a leader article in the Guardian on the 8th March 2018,  “Equality for female and male composers promotes quality in the arts”. Whilst gratifying to read it was regrettable that the article was only concerned with classical music; the problem is a lot deeper than public performance. For example the Huddersfield Contempary Music […]

Arts Council England funding of National Portfolio Organisations for jazz 2014/2018

Arts Council England funding of National Portfolio Organisations (NPO) for jazz 2014/2018 National Portfolio Organisations for jazz NPO funding 14/15 £ NPO funding 15/16 £ % increase or (decrease) on 14/15 NPO funding 16/17 £ % increase or (decrease) on 15/16 NPO funding 17/18 £ % increase or (decrease) On 16/17 Total % increase or […]

Welcome to Airstrip One

An article the UK leaving the EC in the Guardian on the 14th October –  “Brexit row breaks into war of words.”  Sadly  the politicians who favour Brexit do the electorate a disservice. Nigel Lawson and Iain Duncan Smith’s stance on Brexit is reprehensible, naive and febrile‎. They are dancing with the clapped out ideology […]

“Opera is often derided as elitist”

There was a leader article, “Opera is often derided as elitist”, in the Guardian on the 28th September 2017. Regrettably the article ignores the fact that opera in the UK receives a disproportionate amount of public subsidy compared to other art forms and like the banks are too big to fail. In a time of […]