Category Archives: Complaints

Arts Councils funding decisions are based on the bounded rationality of the past.

On the 16th July 2017 the Observer reported that the Arts Council had rejected an application from the Music Venue Trust for support for venues.  I am not surprised the Arts Council rejected the Music Venue Trust’s application, as the majority of the Arts Councils funding decisions are based on the bounded rationality of the […]

The Arts Council funds the arts in England for four years without coherent art form policies

The Arts Council has published funding for the four year national portfolio organisations (28th June 2017). The Arts Councils method of funding the Arts in England is fatally flawed. The problem is that the funding decisions are not informed by a coherent art form policy that would hold the Arts Council to account.‎ Further more […]

The NHS needs your support

In America the biggest crime  is not larceny but to be poor. In the UK you hear loose talk from the right wing press about having an American style health service. What these people neglect to understand, is that if you have no medical insurance you are consigned to the human scrap heap. They ignore […]

Peter Bazelgette on empathy and the arts

In the Observer (22nd January 2017  Peter Bazalgett’s  wrote an article “The power of culture – what I learned after four years at the helm of our arts”, this was a plug for his book “The Empathy Instinct”. You can read reviews of the book elsewhere. However for all his talk of “empathy” and the […]

Letter to America

A friend of mine wrote to Barrack Obama to congratulate him on his tenure as President of the USA.  The letter is a superb, succinct summary of Barrack Obama’s achievements. I have redacted the name and address. President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC. USA January 6 2017 Dear President […]

Banging your head against a brick wall – again and again and again

In 2010  the Culture, Media and Sport Committee held and enquiry into the Funding of the arts and heritage. I submitted two reports to the enquiry, from Jazz Services and the Association of British Jazz Musicians. They were published on 22 March 2011. There were 239 written submissions and apart from Jazz Services and the Association of British Jazz Musicians […]

Something I forgot to mention about the Arts Council of Wales

I wrote to the chief executive of Arts Council of Wales (ACW)  on 5 August 2012 to make a formal complaint about the way it dealt with the requests he made for information over the preceding 20 months. ACW’s chief executive responded on 15 August 2012. I was not satisfied with the response, so I wrote to the […]

Does history repeat it self when you are dealing with the BBC?

I was searching  on the web for music organisations for suitable “links” for an appendices in my forthcoming publication Where do you want to be – a business planning manual for jazz music students and musicians and up popped a response I had made to the BBC Trusts Review of Radios 3,4 and 7 in 2010. I thought […]

What goes around remains the same

On  the 20 May 1999 the Culture Media and Sport Select Committee were looking into the Performing Right Society  and the abolition of the classical music subsidy. Jazz Services, the Association of British Jazz Musicians and English Folk Dance and Song Society had made written submissions to the enquiry led by Gerald Kaufman who was the […]

A point of view

On the 1st September 2010 I received an email canvassing for the party leadership from my MP,  Mr Virendra Sharma. It had been sent by one of his employees. I replied to the email with the following questions: “How my e-mail address was obtained , especially in view of the data protection act. What is […]