Stuart Nicholson in his book “Jazz and Culture in a Global Age” stated:
“But if adequate remuneration had become one problem facing American jazz musicians, then falling audience
numbers was another. Yet those who attempted to highlight issues such as these often found their words
unwelcome, un- American even, and likely to be shouted down – „Jazz has more than its fair share of
handwringers‟, thundered the New York Times when concern was raised at the results of the 2009 National
Endowment for the Arts survey on the audience participation for the arts, which revealed the audience for jazz,
especially for younger fans, was in decline”.
Britain too has its share of people who think everything in the jazz garden is rosy. The music is of the highest
order but the infrastructure is not there to sustain it.
Public investment in jazz 2012 to 2022 examines:
Arts Council funding of jazz and the National Portfolio round 1991/92 to 2021/22
A level playing field for jazz
The lack of a coherent policy for jazz and music in the UK
Keep music live
Public investment in jazz 2012 to 2022