National Arts and Media Strategy 1992 – Flawed, but the Arts Council had a go

In 1992 the Arts Council published a National Arts and Media Strategy. The whole process was flawed from the start as the Arts Council had restructured first and then tried to concoct a policy to fit the structure. Regrettably life does not work like that strategy comes first and structure to expedite the strategy comes second. The Stage and Television today published my analysis of the strategy process in August 1992. My grateful thanks for the Stage for allowing me to reproduce this article.

“The National Arts and Media Strategy (NAMS) has already provoked such comments as the ‘Silence of the NAMS’ (Arts and Management Weekly 11th June 1992) and ‘The good, the bad and the execrable’ (Brian Sewell Evening Standard 4th June 1992) …………………………..”

Please see full article: National Arts and Media Strategy 1992

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